I am so done with winter

I really hate this season. I hate the cold, the snow, the ice, the increased electricity bills, the mountains of laundry and not being able to take the kids outside to play every day. Bleh.

This week did bring good news, though. After 3 weeks and an amazing recovery, my nephew was able to come home from the hospital! He has some restrictions to deal with but he is back to a fairly normal life. Thank God!

We’ve been watching the Olympics, working, homeschooling and all the normal things we do. I did do something neat, though. My best friend is getting married and instead of a bachelorette party she wanted to go weaving. I didn’t feel that it was my type of thing but I went anyway. It was a really neat experience. I made little wall hanging that I’m quite proud of. I have an of something else I’d like to make, so hopefully I can get back to that studio soon.

On Saturday I got in a good 25 mile run. The elevation gain was just what I was looking for and it had a lot of rocks . It was pretty fun. I haven’t run that particular route in a couple of years. It’s a tiring one!

The trails were sooooo wet.

Does anyone know what these are? They make me so happy.


This boulder is as tall as my shoulders.

Today’s run was nowhere near as fun. We got about 4 inches of wet, heavy snow. I ran in it early and it sucked. It took me 1:47 to do a 7 mile route that normally takes 1:17-1:20. Going up the mountain took FOREVER. To add insult to injury, there was a section that was WET. I love me some wet and muddy trails but not during a snowy run. That just sucks.

This week is supposed to be warm. Hallelujah!


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